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Pictures and videos used on this site are all borrowed (well not all, some are actually mine) for everyone's viewing pleasure.  They are not being used in a malicious matter, it is all in good fun and most likely to promote the good stuff found.  Please don't threaten to sue, just ask me to take it down if it is a bother.  If not, thanks for the borrow!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

100 Posts Strong...

"Do you know what today is?  It's [my] anniversary..." Anniversary - Tony! Toni! Tone!

Alright, it's not really today, it was actually last Wednesday.  However, better late than never is what they say (who the hell are 'they' anyway?).  First let me take time out to say thank you to my girl Marvalus One, who has blessed me with another blog award and has a sister blushing, yet again.  I am honored and humbled to accept the Uber Amazing Blog Award.  I love to write and share thoughts and I am ecstatic that so many of you out there enjoy hearing my rants... :)  I thank you immensely (I promise I will spread the love on an upcoming entry).

Anyhow, I figured it would be fun to go through the top 5 or 10 - depending on how I feel after 5 - of my favorite posts in my 100 strong pile.  Let us begin:

5) My "6 Questions With" Series: If it is one thing that I have learned over the years about interviewing, is that it is so much easier to talk with a person than at a person.  What I mean is, I always find that artists end up becoming extremely comfortable with you when they are relaxed and not bombarded with similar questions they have answered for the umpteenth time.  Two of my favorite interviews I have ever conducted were with Teedra Moses and Tamia.  So I decided to use that so called charm that I have and apply it to my blog.  It is only 6 questions, but I have fun doing it and it gives us a little insight into the artist.  Hopefully a few tidbits that you did not know before are shared as well.  I have not done many, but that will soon change as I am working on a few good ones to bring forth.  For now, check out 6 Questions With Taniq and the first entry in the series, with Sy Smith.  

4) My Album of The Week: I have no idea what I would do or be without music.  Music is what fuels me and it continues to be my muse.  It has taken me to great heights and has bailed me out of great lows.  A lot of the music I feature under this title are favorites that I dig from the crates.  I have not written too many posts, but again, that will soon change as it has become a favorite of mine and a lot of you out there as well have made it clear that you would like to see more.  I aim to please!  A couple of my favorites include Maxwell's "Urban Hang Suite" (no kidding) and my boys Intro

3) Concert Reviews: Who doesn't like to hear about a concert that they could not attend?  I love to write concert reviews, especially if the concert is off the chain.  I try to bring the concert to you - the vibe, the songs, the flow of the soiree.  I make an effort to bring it to you to the best of my ability.  I usually run home and with the last beat of the drum snare in my head, I come in at 3 am and bang out the review so it is fresh.  My favorite reviews thus far are of COURSE Maxwell's show (still fanning myself vigorously) and my boy George Michael's show

2) Monday Madness: Now how could I pass Monday Madness?  It is so funny how this regular entry took off.  I think you all like to hear my rant and of course, I feed off of that!  The news is always filled with such negative reports - this one dead, this was blown up, this person was shot - sometimes all we need is a smile to bring things back into perspective.  They (there 'they' are again!) say that laughter is the best medicine!  And those who know me are quite aware that I love a good laugh.  I cannot and will not even think of choosing my favorite Monday Madness entry, however please feel free to dig in the crates and click on any entry.  I promise, you will not be disappointed!

1) Flashback of the Day: This is my FAVORITE part of my entry.  The part where I get to share a bit of my musical knowledge.  I mean, I do have to live up to my moniker after all.  I have mostly stuck with the genre of R&B, however I will be changing that as I go along.  I have always shared that I listen to a little bit of everything and I believe you have to in order to be a connoisseur and true lover of music.  I know as well that this is the best part of my entry for a lot of you out there and I am (in the illustrious words of Stevie) overjoyed that you enjoy the tracks I choose.  I will keep them coming as I know I have to meet high expectations...LOL

Well ladies and gents, you will be seeing a lot of changes here soon.  I am trying to diversify and do Tha Connoisseur.  I will let you know about the changes as we go along, but for now I would like to thank everyone for riding with me.  Also, I thank all the AMAZING and BRILLIANT blogger friends I have made and continue to make along the way.  And again, I thank all of YOU for reading my blog, commenting and having fun with me.

Flashback of the day:  I was inspired by Nelson George's Soul Cities tonight.  Joke is,  I started watching it after I wrote my quote above.  Funny how things come full circle.  My favorite Tony! Toni! Tone! song EVER!

See y'all soon...

Tha Connoisseur 


ad said...

Happy 100th! Can't wait to read 200, 300, 400... mwah!

Tha Connoisseur said...

ad: Thanks dahlin! Much appreciated. :)