Soul Afrodisiac–Sharing expressions from the soul...
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"I just hope you understand, sometimes the clothes do not make the man." - Freedom '90 - George Michael
And here we are, it is Tuesday all day long. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
A few tidbits for the day:
I am a big India.Arie fan and I am always happy to hear when she is making movements. Last we heard, the soulful brown-skinned beauty is to star on Broadway in the play "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When The Rainbow Is Enuf." Recently, India.Arie has embarked on the path to becoming a label owner. She has signed a deal with Universal Republic Records to start her label called SoulBird Music. The first artist signed to her label is the phenomenal Anthony David. Anthony's sound is a raspy, gritty soul and his voice alone will wrap around you like your favorite down comforter on a cold day. His last album Red Clay Chronicles was an extraordinary piece of work. I look forward to the release of his upcoming album entitled "Acey Deucey" on June 17th. If you don't know him, please do yourself a favor and check him out. Listen to the live version of "Part of My Life" on his MySpace page. The breakdown he does with "I Like" by Guy?!?! Crazy.
In case some of you do not know as yet, one of my favorite bands in the world will be gracing NYC with their presence in May. Yes, Mint Condition will be singing for my birthday pleasure on May 29th, 2008 at B.B. King in Times Square. Ok, so my birthday is May 23rd, but I plan to celebrate for the week! Tickets are already on sale and I am sure they will go fast.
En Vogue was to perform on March 28th at B.B. King as well, however that date has now been changed to August 23rd, 2008.
I do not want to get into the habit of listing concerts, there are just too many. But I will mention the ones that I am truly going to make an effort to attend.
And my last tidbit is about my original white chocolate - George Michael. Those who know me know that I am a sucker for Justin Timberlake (yes, Justin - that Justin.) But the ORIGINAL blue - eyed soul white chocolate in my life, is the one and only George Michael. I not only love this man as an artist, but I also love him for the person he is. He has never gone against his grain and always stuck to what he believed in as an artist. He also never compromised himself as a person in this man - eating industry called the "music world" and always stayed true to what he believes. I have been a Wham! fan from day one and still have my vinyls and 45's to prove it! You remember the CHOOSE LIFE t-shirts that were a must have and those lovely white tube socks and short shorts. But before then, it was all about the tight jeans and leather jackets (Does Wham! Rap ring a bell?) And let us not even get into when he went solo, that opened a whole new world to us. One of my favorite sites Soulbounce brought some news to my attention that made me feverish, excited and well I knew a while back that he was in the midst of planning this farewell tour and a new album, but never saw anything come to fruition. Well, that has all been swept to the wayside because my sweet darling - love - sugarbabe is coming to North America for his 25 Live Tour AND will be releasing a new album titled "Twenty Five" on April 1st. Well it's not really "new" because it seems like it has already been released in the UK from what I read. The last time I saw George Michael was in Montreal during The Faith Tour in '88. I lost my voice singing each and every song that was sung and I still have my door size poster of Mr. Micheal that I CHERISH. Let me tell you all, I don't know what to do with myself. You can paint me green and call me Kermit for all I care, but I have a Kool Aid grin on my face that will most likely last until I plant my ass in a seat at MSG when he gets here. And if I'm not here, you best believe I will be in Toronto to see this show. You will see the blog entry - trust me. So until then, check out the dates when George will be in your city and what not here @
So to keep it on a George Michael theme, here is the flashback of the day. One of my favorite Wham songs:
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