Take Note!

Pictures and videos used on this site are all borrowed (well not all, some are actually mine) for everyone's viewing pleasure.  They are not being used in a malicious matter, it is all in good fun and most likely to promote the good stuff found.  Please don't threaten to sue, just ask me to take it down if it is a bother.  If not, thanks for the borrow!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Not Just Music, Think Outside The Box!

"I've had lots of loving, but I never knew love like this..." Alexander O'Neal and Cherrelle

Welcome one and all to the blog for your soul.

Lord I love good music! And for those of you who don't know who the quote is from - this would most definitely be the blog for you! I would like to consider this a blog for the progressive urbanite. Being part of the 30 something demographic, I do know that there is more to life than going to "the club around the way" to swing my assets to the latest Flo Rida track. Or better yet, running out to purchase the latest CD from Lil Wayne. Now don't get me wrong, I can get down with the rest of them, but ladies and gentlemen - it's our time to venture out of the box. Here we will have discussions of albums past, present and future that have touched our soul in some way or another. And yes, I do mean Alexander O'Neal, Cherelle and the whole gamut. Here we will have a forum to be up to date with concerts I have attended and people I have met along the way.

And this is not just about music.

This blog will also list art galleries with interesting shows to catch, fashion shows, architecture, entertainment and some interesting things along the way. Name it and we can certainly try and tackle it. This is not just a place for me to rant, but a place for us all to have a conversation about what's on our minds. I want to converse with you. So on that note, I, Tha Connoisseur, welcome you to - Soul Afrodisiac.

And for those of you who weren't sure, check out the video below to reminisce.

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