Take Note!

Pictures and videos used on this site are all borrowed (well not all, some are actually mine) for everyone's viewing pleasure.  They are not being used in a malicious matter, it is all in good fun and most likely to promote the good stuff found.  Please don't threaten to sue, just ask me to take it down if it is a bother.  If not, thanks for the borrow!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Good Laugh....

Hi y'all,

Alright, I don't usually do a post on Tuesdays so this is going against the grain.  But I just saw this commercial and COULD NOT stop laughing.  Everyone in my circle that I have spoken to lately (including myself), had a negative vibe hovering around them for the past week.  Whether it was due to personal issues or people just bringing the negative on a silver platter.  So with that said, I thought that I would share the laughter, even if it's for a minute.  This commercial may be nasty to some, but sorry - that's my sense of humor....ENJOY and laugh a bit!

See y'all tomorrow...

Tha Connoisseur 


ad said...


QH said...

Cute, lol.-QH

Tha Connoisseur said...

Ad: I know!! I couldn't help it!

QH: It kills me...lol

Vivrant Thang said...

I am way late with this one but as one of those folks you were talking about, I can appreciate the humor. That's my biggest fear with having a boy. LOL!

Tha Connoisseur said...

Ms Thang: Girl, every time I see this damn commercial it has me in hysterics. I love it!! I am glad that it put a much needed smile on your face. ;)