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Pictures and videos used on this site are all borrowed (well not all, some are actually mine) for everyone's viewing pleasure.  They are not being used in a malicious matter, it is all in good fun and most likely to promote the good stuff found.  Please don't threaten to sue, just ask me to take it down if it is a bother.  If not, thanks for the borrow!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Podcast for In NYC Vol #4...

Hi there beautiful people, here is your weekend installment of In NYC Vol #4.  And no, don't worry you didn't miss one.  I just jacked up when I saved it...so let's leave it at that!  Danalee and I would like to apologize yet again for the tardiness (we will get better I promise!!).  We were finally able to get it together and bring the show to you.  There was a lot to cover and catch up on!  This show is live and direct from Connecticut Muffin in Brooklyn Heights.

Here is a quick guide to the places/sites discussed during the podcast:

Connecticut Muffin
115 Montague St
Brooklyn, NY
718-875-3912 - there is no website but you can get the store hours and directions here.

530 West 28th St
New York, NY
212-629-2000 - www.mansionnewyork.com

Brooklyn Museum 
200 Eastern Parkway 
Brooklyn, NY
Featured artist: Takashi Murakami

Bodies:The Exhibition
South Street Seaport 
Fulton & South Streets, Pier 17
New York, NY

Kittichai and Thom Bar
60 Thompson St
New York, NY

Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar
11 West 31st St
New York, NY
212-714-2992  www.ayzanyc.com

Styleaholics -  Najwa Moses

Thurgood Marshall on Broadway

Sy Smith interview here

Hope you enjoy, have a good weekend...

Tha Connoisseur 

1 comment:

Jude said...

Hi nice reading yyour post