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Pictures and videos used on this site are all borrowed (well not all, some are actually mine) for everyone's viewing pleasure.  They are not being used in a malicious matter, it is all in good fun and most likely to promote the good stuff found.  Please don't threaten to sue, just ask me to take it down if it is a bother.  If not, thanks for the borrow!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Podcast for In NYC Vol #2 is here!

Hello my fellow Soulsters, Danalee and I have to apologize for the tardiness.  This podcast was hell and 'ish to post for some reason, however I would not let a little ol' technological blip keep me from getting it to ya.  Unfortunately you will notice that the topic(s) may be a bit older now since it was to post last weekend, but I am sure you will find it entertaining nonetheless.  So please enjoy In NYC Vol #2.

Here is a quick guide to the places and sites we discussed in the podcast:

177 Court St
Brooklyn, NY
PH: 718-797-6863  www.rapisarda.com 

Soul Commune - www.soulcommune.com

Billie's Black 
271 W 119th St
New York, NY
PH: 718-280-2248  www.billiesblack.com

Don't forget, feedback...feedback!!

Hear y'all soon...

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